Path to Parenthood Event

Fertility, Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond

Join us for a truly inspiring day dedicated to families on their perinatal journey, hosted by the Essex Community Team. We’ve been working hard to bring you an event filled with support, knowledge, and connection.

💫 Who is it for?
Whether you’re navigating fertility, pregnancy, birth, or the postnatal period, this event has something for everyone! Spanning the county of Essex and beyond.

✨ What can you expect?
* Meet an incredible lineup of experts, including independent midwives, reflexologists, chiropractors, baby wearing consultants, osteopaths, doulas, antenatal educators, nutritionists, maternal mental health experts, biomechanics, Massage, Yoga, hypnobirthing and more.
* Gain valuable insights from expert speaker sessions.
* Enjoy a chance to win amazing prizes in our raffle.
* Relax with refreshments in a welcoming and family-friendly atmosphere.
📍 Where?
The Galleywood Heritage Centre, Essex, a beautiful space in the heart of the community.

📅 When?
29th March 2025 10.00 – 14.00

🎟 Entry is FREE!
Register now on Eventbrite to secure your spot. Use the link or scan the QR code to grab your ticket today!
Don’t miss this chance to ask questions, connect with like-minded families, and leave feeling empowered and excited for the journey ahead. We can’t wait to see you there! 💖

Book your free ticket here:

Red Valentine: Taking care of your (Chinese medicine) heart

The arrival of February can only mean one thing: Valentine’s Day. Through years of commercial conditioning, and also possibly because of Chinese New Year’s tendency to fall somewhere around the end of January and the beginning of February, this period of the year has a very definite “red” characteristic to it for me.

Mention heart in a clinical sense, and cardiovascular diseases will most probably pop up, along with blood pressure (high or low) and possibly breathlessness. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) the heart’s responsibilities are mainly that of controlling the blood circulation (easy enough) as well as mental and emotional activities (hold on, what?).

To understand the heart’s functions I find it’s a lot easier if you step back and look at the symptoms when things go wrong.

Think of the fragile invalid typical of Victorian literature: delicate constitution, weakness due to prolonged illness, shortness of breath, palpitation, pale complexion, dizziness. These are all typical symptoms of a heart deficiency syndrome, which makes sense due to the poor/blocked blood circulation. Heart deficiency can also result in anxiety, restlessness, insomnia or frequent dreaming and this is what we mean by mental and emotional disturbances.

On the other end of the spectrum, common symptoms of excess conditions affecting the heart include palpitation, an oppressed feeling on the chest, dizziness, and in extreme cases, chest pains. There may also be signs of confusion, insomnia or difficulty falling asleep and a tendency to be easily frightened.

Acupuncture can be very useful in balancing the heart’s functions and settling the mind. But what can you do on your own?

• Avoiding stress is a good start as stress greatly influences the heart’s ability (it’s no coincidence it houses the body’s mental and emotional activities). This includes violent images from TV or movies; swap watching the news with just reading headlines online but not the entire story – you don’t need to know all the details.

• Add a relaxation routine into your day: try tai chi, yoga, swimming or just simple walking. Rather than just doing nothing, your relaxation should have a positive sense of gentle activity.

• At the same time incorporate some concentration training like crosswords, sudoku or meditation.

• Have a regular bedtime routine to ensure you get good quality sleep (and enough of it!).

• Cut back on sugar and caffeine. If you can cut them out completely, that’s even better.

• Eat regularly and eat mild, easily digested food. Avoid chillies or really spicy meals.

The general idea here is one of gentleness: gentle exercises, mild (not bland) meals, simple nurturing of your body. Rather than the pounding of a boxing match imagine the slow stretch of a dancer.

Summer sun and pollution care

As the summer months begin (we hope, after the recent incessant rain!) and we look to spend more time outdoors, let’s look at sun and pollution care.

You may have noticed current trends in skincare around ‘anti-pollution’ and ‘antioxidant’ products.

It makes sense because cellular damage that results in visible ageing is caused by oxidative stress. To put it simply, this is essentially an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants. We can’t avoid free radicals; they’re created by waste from the body’s own processes as well as coming from pollution, pesticides, drugs, alcohol, processed vegetable oils, and U.V. damage.

So, we need to take care to avoid an imbalance that leads to oxidative damage. Your skin’s sensitivity to UV damage and sunburn are improved when antioxidant levels are optimal throughout the body. 

As well as minimising our intake of poor quality foods and pesticide chemicals, we can:

– Use SPF barriers to UV – preferably natural sunscreens that use zinc oxide rather than chemical sunscreens. Natural barrier sunscreen is breathable and won’t cause prickly heat – great for kids!

– Increase our antioxidant intake

Antioxidants from food

It’s repeated so often it’s boring…..but the saying ‘eat a rainbow’ holds true! Eating a wide range of fruits and vegetables every day maximises the variety and quantity of antioxidants you consume. 

It’s not all about phytochemicals from fruit and veg though. The antioxidant system also involves minerals, proteins and fat soluble vitamins. So we need to include nuts and seeds, quality cold pressed oils (extra virgin olive oil & coconut are ok for cooking – don’t heat seed oils), protein from organic animal produce and beans, lentils and tofu.

Antioxidants from supplements

There are many types of antioxidants and they work in synergy – some regenerating others – so in supplementing it’s best to have a complex rather than taking a single nutrient e.g. Vitamin C. In the City Survivor range, Pollution Protection Daily Multi with Antioxidants replaces your usual multivitamin and also contains a wide range of antioxidants.

About the author

Daisy Connor is Nutritional Therapist and founder of
City Survivor – simple supplements for busy people.

Find her on Instagram @citysurvivoruk

Happy New Year (round two)

I have always enjoyed the fact that Chinese New Year falls sometime around mid-January to early February, depending on the year (being based on the lunar calendar means the actual date changes every year). It means you get to have a happy new year a second time around, so if your resolutions haven’t been kept you can try again!

This year Chinese New Year falls on 25th of January. In China the mass exodus of people going home to their hometown has already begun with the two week long holiday more precious than Christmas here.

While celebrating the new lunar calendar is the obvious focus here, the main point for most people is the celebration of family and home. No matter where you are, a good meal is important, both as a symbolic gesture of good things (and meals) to come in the next twelve months and also from a nutritious point of view. Seafood, meat, vegetarian dishes, everything works.

This meal is about abundance without being ostentatious. It doesn’t have to be Chinese to be authentic Chinese New Year fare: think lobster linguine, scallops with spinach and broccoli, Japanese silken tofu with shiitake mushrooms and needle mushrooms. Plentiful does not have to mean heavy at mealtimes.

Decorate your home with satsumas (get those with the stalk and leaves still attached) as a sign of prosperity and eat them throughout the week. Red is the colour of good fortune so make sure to add a splash of red to your living space or better yet, wear it on the day. If black is usually your colour, then a pair of red socks will be a subtle addition.

There are many traditions the Chinese follow on the day but ultimately it all comes back to wishing others well and receiving well wishes from others graciously. It is all about the concept of paying it forward, or karma or very simply, kindness. For one day (and hopefully it reminds you for the rest of the year) the universal wish is to hope for a good future for everyone and to leave the stresses aside.


Start afresh in January

January is a time of new beginning and promise, of renewal and and reflection. We have come so far over the past twelve months and are now back full circle.

We have seen the crispness of the season change into a delightful world of dewdrops with a fluidity that only nature can have. In your own world bring that awareness to your mind and body and feed your soul.

Most of us know to have a physical ailment looked at when it first appears, but remember to also pay attention to subtle shifts in your mental world.

In Chinese culture, we use the word “heart” to describe what would be attributed to the mind in the West. If something is on your mind, your friend might call you up to discuss “heart matters” and that isn’t always about romantic issues, it could be finance, relationships, career, stress, parents, children, anything. The Chinese character for bored (悶) shows a heart framed by a door. When the heart is enclosed and not free-flowing, obstruction occurs.

Use the new year to open your heart: Declutter your mind palace and your physical home. I cherish many my many objects which may seem ordinary to you but are of great sentimental value to me, but I am also a person who keeps things “just in case”. With the new baby comes an amazing flood of paraphernalia and it has been difficult removing those “just in case” items. But I did it and six bags await the charity shop. It has been incredibly cathartic and also slightly symbolic.

Rebalance your heart channel with a restorative acupuncture treatment, or use essential oils to enhance positivity. Seek advice from an aromatherapist or just leave some mandarin peel to dry in your home. That citrus freshness in the winter is delightful.

Simple cold and flu remedy

The excitement of the holiday season finally got to me and lo and behold on Boxing Day I woke up with the sniffles and a sore throat that seemed to go all the way to my ears. Swallowing was painful and I was starting to feel miserable.

This simple cold and flu remedy though can save the day. Consisting of just three ingredients, ginger, lemon and honey, it soothes just where it’s needed.

Some people are often wary of ginger, which is a very “hot” food-type, as they worry that too much “hot” food can make their bodies “heaty”. This is not a concern here as the lemon and honey helps to balance out the heatiness, which is the beauty of Chinese medicine.

Also for those of you who don’t like sweet drinks, the amount of honey is minimal here and is to help with the soothing action of this remedy. Of course you can add more if you like it to be less tangy.

You will need:

1 ginger root: about 5cm / 2 inch portion. Shave the skin off and cut into thin rounds about the thickness of a coin.

2 organic lemons: cut into thin slices, leaving the rind on. If you’re feeling really unwell, buy the lemon juice at the store but fresh is better.

Raw honey: about 2 tablespoons. You can add more to taste.

Fill a medium pot about ¾ full and bring to boil. Drop in the ginger root and let to simmer for 5 minutes. Turn off the heat, add in the lemon and honey and cover with lid. Allow to steep for 10 minutes. Strain it into your cup.

I make a pot like this and reheat when needed during the day.

Spend some time reflecting this holiday season

The end of the year festivities is fast upon us. Lights in stores are twinkling and there is the wonder of ice rinks and mulled wine, hot chocolate and dashes after work to the parties.

I really like this time of year, it is especially nice crossing the bridges of London on foot and catching all the intangible excitement in the air. It could only happen at this time of year, the very last month, when it can often feel like being in the eye of the storm.

I know from experience in my practice, that the festive season and end of year celebrations can bring along quite a bit of stress. Stress at trying to fit all the meals and drinks in an already busy schedule, stress at shopping in the crowds, and stress at the human relationships that can sometimes feel overwrought with the extra added stress.

It can be easy to forget the meaning of December. Take away the cultural and religious significance and what you have is a time for us to be able to reflect. This is the bookend of the year where you can think about what the previous twelve months have brought.

What always surprises me is that when you take the time to have a brief moment and step away from the whirlwind that is life, a sudden onset of exhaustion can appear. One second you’re running from place to place, juggling the many hats we all wear in modern life and when you stop to think it can seem quite remarkable what we achieve in a day, in a week, in a year.

For some of us, the festivities are a joy – the busy buzziness of the season is something to relish. But for others it can be a bit too much or you may find yourself in the company of someone who isn’t the joy of the party. Other times a melting pot of stress and fatigue can turn into an explosion of unmeant words or actions. In those moments deep breathing and smiles really do wonders.

It is important to remember that while being the charming diplomat is always nice, it is not your job to make literally everybody happy. This is your time as well so enjoy the lights and have a wonderful December!

Turmeric can’t do a thing for you without these other foods

Finally! An article that doesn’t just list the benefits of one particular substance – it talks about needing other things with it in order to get its full benefits. This is the fundamental principle of working with Chinese herbs and nutrition: one ingredient’s function can be modified or enhanced depending on what it’s combined with.

Turmeric can’t do a thing for you without these other foods | The Hearty Soul

September checklist

After the freshness of spring and the long days of the summer, September is like the final stretch of the marathon. It has a completely different feel to the other times of the year: it beckons the end of one season but is still warm and bright enough to ease us into the beginning of autumn without plunging us into the darkness of the winter months.

For me, September is a wonderful time to enjoy the last of the Indian summer (which appears to be inevitable in London) and also anticipate the crisp, red leaves that will pop out by the month’s end. It is also a wonderful time to organise yourself, physically and mentally before the madness of the final quarter of the year.

1.  If you’re due for a check up, get an eye test and visit the dentist. Your eyes and teeth are with you for life, so knowing that they are all fine always gives you peace of mind.

2.  De-clutter your home. Who says you can only spring clean once a year? See what you have in your wardrobe and cupboards that you haven’t used for over a year and give it away. Making space allows you to fully appreciate what you have kept and also means you can then make way for new purchases.

3.  In this age of digital everything, it can be easy to save everything but keep nothing. Choose ten favourite photos you’ve taken over the past year and actually print them out on good old fashion paper. There is something special about being able to physically hold an image, just like our grandmothers used to do. You could display them in frames but I prefer organising them in an actual photo album. I find it a wonderful way to spend a “slow” day and it also gives me a reason to visit Paperchase.

4.  Inevitably everyone eats better in the summer. There’s something about dining al-fresco which prevents us from consuming vast amounts of stodge – even the afternoon teas tend to serve lighter fare. Carry this healthiness over into September and all the way through the later months. Focus less on super foods and more on colours and textures.

5.  Flu season is around the corner so prepare your system with propolis or daily doses of Echinacea. Chai tea or cinnamon is perfect for those windy days where you feel under the weather or if you’ve been caught in the drizzle.

Getting ready for spring

In the blink of an eye, winter is slowly coming to its end and giving way to spring. After a long season of darkness and what was really a late winter of bone-chilling cold, it is time to shake off the cobwebs and welcome the change.

I have been advising many of you during your treatments to stay away from the cold nature of juicing until the warmer months and now is the time to gradually introduce it to your day. Moderation is key so make it a part of your day, but not your entire day. If juicing is not really your thing then celebrate the freshness with warm salads. Asparagus on a bed of stir-fried kale and wilted baby spinach with some chopped tomatoes and feta cheese is a lovely thing to have on a sunny day. I love the addition of a soft boiled egg (or two) or some edamame beans add a great crunch.

Keen gardeners would agree with me that timing and preparation is key to a great season of bloom and that is the same with our bodies. We have harnessed the energy during the cold season and now we can slowly (and cautiously) start removing some layers. The British weather is unpredictable though so a scarf is still a necessity just in case the bright, warm sun decides to hide behind the clouds.

You may read articles about Liver being the organ of springtime and be told to anticipate unsettled moments of irritability. The truth is if you’ve been keeping well through acupuncture or other balancing methods like a proper diet and regular movement, then there should be no obvious signs of stagnation just because we are approaching the months of March, April and May.

Likewise, if your body is still tweaking and finding its place then you may still feel the aches or hot flushes or digestive issues. My advice: stay away from the pick-and-mix world of popular culture. Your body is your own and no broad brush stroke of an idea can describe you individually.

However, do take in the fresher, younger air that comes with the season of growth. Remember to take a long breath in – many of us exhale slowly and fully but sometimes forget to fill that exhalation with an equally long and full breath in. After all, inspiration isn’t only to inspire with ideas, it’s also the simple act of filling your lungs and being.