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March Issue 163: Spotlight on stress and Chinese medicine PLUS Pregnancy and fertility event in Chelmsford, taking a break from your smartphone can reboot your mood, and how to leave that WhatsApp group without being awkward.
Pointspace Issue 162: Fight the flu and colds with this easy to make soup PLUS Tips to prevent screen fatigue, myths about vitamin C, and 5 easy exercises to prevent desk job aches and pains.
Pointspace Issue 161: Happy new year! Tips for January without resolutions and detoxing PLUS Sleep helps prevent unwanted memories from popping up, how to get rid of emotional clutter in the home, and try this orange and chocolate cake recipe.
Pointspace Issue 160: Take it easy during the festive season PLUS Exhaustion at work can lead to difficulty controlling emotions, how gender bias in medicine has shaped women’s health, and important info you need to know about hot water bottles.
Pointspace Issue 159: Spotlight on women’s health and Chinese medicine PLUS Some forms of air pollution might prolong postpartum depression, and grip strength really matters and how to improve it.
Pointspace Issue 158: Chinese medicine tips for a good autumn PLUS Do weekend lie-ins help your heart health, is sparkling water bad for you, and did you know morals change with the seasons?
Pointspace Issue 157: Welcoming the new season PLUS remedy for itchy skin, the one food you should eat to age well, the boredom scroll could be making things worse, and does flexibility predict longevity?
Pointspace Issue 156: Need a news fast? PLUS The power of proprioception, how to improve your sixth sense for better health and happiness, and what’s the right temperature for your air conditioning?
Pointspace Issue 155: Summer is a good time to have acupuncture PLUS What do heatwaves do to the body and who is at risk, 16 plank variations to strengthen your core, and doing this one thing will improve your odds of healthy ageing.
Pointspace Issue 154: Chinese medicine tips for summer PLUS What is cosmetic acupuncture and is it better than Botox, 5 calcium-rich foods for you that doesn’t include dairy, and how the breathing bridge can help with tight hamstrings.
Pointspace Issue 153: Four ways to have a good bank holiday PLUS How to avoid microplastics, the fruit and vegetable with most “forever” chemicals, exercises to help seniors get up when they’ve fallen, and the fish doorbell is back.
Pointspace Issue 152: Tips for spring PLUS Why don’t we do things that are good for us, longer mobile phone usage doesn’t increase risk of brain tumours, and best 2 exercises to lower your blood pressure.
Pointspace Issue 151: Warm up and clear your system with this easy soup recipe PLUS Do you get out of breath walking up the stairs, protein is as important as strength training, and handwriting may be better for your brain than typing.
Pointspace Issue 150: Celebrate the year of the dragon PLUS How vitamin D can boost your immunity and help your brain, and whether magnesium can help with anxiety.
Pointspace Issue 149: Happy new year PLUS Tips from top athletes on how they rest and recharge, does inflammation cause anxiety, and treating sports injuries with acupuncture.
Pointspace Issue 148: Tips for the festive season PLUS The WHO declares loneliness a pressing health threat, and the benefits of breathing through your nose.
Pointspace Issue 147: Stay warm this season PLUS Do these 5 quick exercises after a Zoom call to increase your energy, and warning over “eco” cups that pose health risk with toxic resin.
Pointspace Issue 146: Autumn and Chinese medicine PLUS The best vitamins for brain health, and women are 3 times more likely than men to suffer from “winter blues”.
Pointspace Issue 145 : Tips for September PLUS Embrace slow running and avoid risking injury, and 3 stretches to relieve RSI tension in your hands and wrists.
Pointspace Issue 144: Setting boundaries PLUS Are the E numbers in food affecting our gut microbiome, and did you get Covid but never felt sick?
Pointspace Issue 143: Eating for summer PLUS How gut health affects physical and mental health, Covid-19 can cause new cholesterol problems, and why is hayfever so bad this year?
Pointspace Issue 142: Hello June and the power of a smile PLUS Too tired to sleep, the effects of long covid, and why Lyme disease symptoms persist for some people.
Pointspace Issue 141: Healthy tips to make the most of the bank holidays PLUS 7 ways to be kinder to ourselves, and 5 stretches to strengthen your hamstrings.
Pointspace Issue 140: Tips to welcome spring PLUS Get outdoors to feel less anxious, and 3 easy foot and toe exercises to do everyday.
Pointspace Issue 139: Tips for more restful sleep PLUS Why your body hiccups as you fall asleep, and how to have better naps.
Pointspace Issue 138: Fight the cold and clear your system with this easy soup PLUS Enacted dreams could be an early sign of Parkinson’s disease and exercises to help prevent shoulder pain.
Pointspace Issue 137: Happy new year with a nudge word PLUS How Covid warped our perception of time, why everyday stress could be the key to a healthy old age, and do you need to drink 8 cups of water?
Pointspace Issue 136: Hello December, a time for reflection and appreciation PLUS Your brain age and your chronological age differ, is falling asleep to TV really so bad, and 5 signs you may need magnesium.
Pointspace Issue 135: A hydrating drink for autumn PLUS Pointspace is 12, what happens if you drink too much water?
Pointspace Issue 134: How to fight off coughs and colds PLUS The best foods to feed your gut microbiome, and 4 exercises that can relieve pain from computer slouching.
Pointspace Issue 133: Health list for September PLUS The science of why you have great ideas in the shower, and 11 exercises to strengthen your low back.
Pointspace Issue 132: Lactose intolerance is an evolutionary puzzle PLUS Is moving meditation beneficial and other interesting reads for your summer holidays.
Pointspace Issue 131: Tips to have a good summer, the Chinese medicine way PLUS Everyday noises are making our brains busier, and Ka Hang chats about acupuncture.
Pointspace Issue 130: Hello June PLUS The gut-mind connection, it was a bad month for hayfever and spring allergies, and 15 possible causes of pelvic pain in women.
Pointspace Issue 129: Bring nature indoors PLUS Why acupuncture is going mainstream in medicine, which 3 houseplants are good for indoor pollutants, and the dirty dozen to avoid and clean 15 to eat.
Pointspace Issue 128: Tips for Spring PLUS The interesting science of how emotions help you think, and plant-based, one-bowl recipes for a week.
Pointspace Issue 127: Embrace a life of moderation and stay grounded PLUS How to mitigate body ageing, and how gardening helps your wellbeing.
Pointspace Issue 126: Happy Chinese New Year PLUS Where did the idea that alcohol was relaxing come from, and is your omega-3 fish oil supplements rancid?
Pointspace Issue 125: Tips for a fantastic new year without resolutions or detoxing PLUS a chocolate and orange cake recipe, and Ka Hang talks about acupuncture and the immune system.
Pointspace Issue 124: Tips for a good winter PLUS How to keep on top of your mental health in the winter and 5 reasons for losing your voice and how to get it back.
Pointspace Issue 123: Boost your immune system with these easy ginger and lemon shots PLUS Pointspace is 11, and how to tell if you’re a morning person.
Pointspace Issue 122: Get ready for autumn PLUS seen in The Jewish Chronicle, the Cantonese culture of soups, and 11 healthy fruit and veg in autumn.
Pointspace Issue 121: Hello autumn, try this easy, refreshing apple and carrot soup PLUS The coronavirus is here forever, how to minimise its impact.
Pointspace Issue 120: Unlocking the ‘gut microbiome’ and its massive significance to our health PLUS How polio inspired the board game Candy Land, and clinic update.
Pointspace Issue 119: Chinese medicine tips for summer PLUS Do plant-based and fish diets affect the severity of Covid-19 cases, and why is hay fever so bad this year?
Pointspace Issue 118: Summer sun and pollution care PLUS Which processed foods are better than natural, and price increase from July.
Pointspace Issue 117: Take care of the little things PLUS Acupressure for stress and does acupuncture work for atrial fibrillation?
Pointspace Issue 116: Hello April, shake the mental cobwebs PLUS Appointments available from 14 April, and easy plant-based, one bowl meals for a week.
Pointspace Issue 115: Give your mind a spring clean PLUS try this tip if you’re waking up at night, and do these stretches if you’re on your phone all day.
Pointspace Issue 114: A warm lentils dish recipe for the winter PLUS Happy Chinese new year and do vaccines need to completely stop Covid transmission to curb the pandemic?
Pointspace Issue 113: Ginger and lemon shots to boost your immune system PLUS The mysterious link between Covid-19 and sleep.
Pointspace Issue 112 Thoughts and reflections for December PLUS Night time shoulder pain and what to do about it.
Pointspace Issue 111 Hello November and Lockdown update PLUS How to get through winter 2020 and Pointspace is 10 years old!!
Pointspace Issue 110 Autumn tips from Chinese medicine PLUS which brand of tea bags contain plastic?
Pointspace Issue 109 Clinic is open!! PLUS honey is better for coughs and colds than antibiotics, and how can you tell difference between flu and Covid-19?
Pointspace Issue 108 Hello August! 5 self-care things to do during this “quiet” season, and Covid19 update.
Pointspace Issue 107 Men’s health in Chinese medicine, and Covid19 update.
Pointspace Issue 106 Summer tips from Chinese medicine, Covid19 update, and Ka Hang is on instagram!
Pointspace Issue 105 Health tips for May, Covid19 update and uplifting reads.
Pointspace Issue 104 Introducing the new range of Pointspace Chinese herbal treatments, Covid19 update and the easiest blueberry muffin recipe.
Pointspace Issue 103 The importance of (w)holistic medicine PLUS Should you be wearing a face mask during the coronavirus outbreak?
Pointspace Issue 102 Boost your system with this simple ginger shot recipe PLUS a quick tool to centre your soul.
Pointspace Issue 101 Use the new year to open your heart PLUS Chicken soup with caramelised ginger.
Pointspace Issue 100!!!! Take in the calm of winter PLUS the simple Dutch cure for stress.
Pointspace Issue 99 Take a breather during November PLUS would you recognise a gradual-onset heart attack, and don’t ice that injury!
Pointspace Issue 98 Autumn and Chinese medicine PLUS reviewed in Glamour UK, and digestion according to Chinese medicine.
Pointspace Issue 97 Get ready for September PLUS the fundamental link between body weight and immune system.
Pointspace Issue 97 Hello September PLUS Inflammation’s hidden role in weight loss.
Pointspace Issue 96 Why summer is the perfect time to get acupuncture PLUS Can swimming and water exercise really build bone?
Pointspace Issue 95 Chinese medicine tips for summer PLUS How safe is sunscreen?
Pointspace Issue 94 Hello June PLUS 25% of those who meditate report negative experience.
Pointspace Issue 93 Sunshine in London PLUS the hidden air pollution in our homes.
Pointspace Issue 92 Hello April, spring is finally here PLUS an interesting read on riding a bike.
Pointspace Issue 91 Rain or shine, spring is near PLUS can you really catch up on lost sleep?
Pointspace Issue 90 Happy new year of the Pig PLUS acupuncture is the new power lunch.
Pointspace Issue 89 Happy new year PLUS the holidays are over, why am I so blue?
Pointspace Issue 88 Thoughts and reflections for December PLUS the Hubble space telescope advent calendar.
Pointspace Issue 87 A simple and warming soup for November PLUS more about food and Chinese medicine.
Pointspace Issue 86 Tips for autumn PLUS Airport security trays carry more germs than toilet surfaces.
Pointspace Issue 85 Welcome September PLUS Remedy for itchy skin.
Pointspace Issue 84 Super simple vegetable soup PLUS Your brain really does get slower in the summertime.
Pointspace Issue 83 Hello heatwave PLUS Do you have decision fatigue?
Pointspace Issue 82 Summer protection PLUS How to stay cool.
Pointspace Issue 81 Healthy tips to make the most of bank holidays PLUS Quick easy meal for midweek.
Pointspace Issue 80 Welcome Spring PLUS How to not get sick on a plane.
Pointspace Issue 79 Fight the flu with this delicious soup PLUS Reviewed in Grazia UK.
Pointspace Issue 78 Prepare for Chinese new year PLUS make your own elderberry syrup.
Pointspace Issue 77 Winter and Chinese Medicine PLUS recipe for black bean pizza crust with purple hummus, and can you suntan through a window?
Pointspace Issue 76 Tips for winter PLUS why is it so hard to cut out carbs and three medications that cause bone loss.
Pointspace Issue 75 How to fight colds and coughs PLUS How your sleep affect your health and do you need to change your bag for life?
Pointspace Issue 74 Hello September PLUS Gut healing vegetable broth (that isn’t bone broth).
Pointspace Issue 73 Three things you should do this August PLUS Why cutting carbs is so hard and three types of medication that cause bone loss.
Pointspace Issue 72 Pump your leg and breathe better PLUS Exploring summer fruit through Chinese medicine and five ways to clean your water bottle.
Pointspace Issue 71 Eating for the summer PLUS Pros, cons and contraindications of using Turmeric.
Pointspace Issue 70 Take care of the little things PLUS Kale isn’t the only superveg and what is dampness in Chinese medicine?
Pointspace Issue 69 Have a good April PLUS Smart things to do 30 minutes before bed.
Pointspace Issue 68 Spring is in the air PLUS No drugs for back pain say new US guidelines, instead try acupuncture.
Pointspace Issue 67 The food element PLUS Three ways to boost nutrition and digestion for more productivity.
Pointspace Issue 66 Try this to feel happier PLUS 6 types of light therapy and why one neuroscientist started blasting his core.
Pointspace Issue 65 Enjoy the festive season, your way PLUS How to stay healthy this winter with Chinese medicine.
Pointspace Issue 64 Are you sleeping well enough? PLUS Why do you always get sick when the seasons change and a relaxation pose to help you let go of stress.
Pointspace Issue 63 Refresh with a seasonal drink PLUS How an acupuncturist fights the flu and cold and why does organic milk last longer than regular milk?
Pointspace Issue 62 Hello September! PLUS 6 reasons you’re feeling starving and do you need to drink 8 glasses of water a day?
Pointspace Issue 61 How does stress affect your gut health PLUS How to mitigate negative health effects of the 24 hour news cycle and what’s the best way to wash salad and vegetables?
Pointspace Issue 60 Heart matters PLUS Sweet potato yaki soba recipe and five excuses for staying inside when it’s nice outside.
Pointspace Issue 59 Hello Summer! PLUS Why have acupuncture and what does a healthy gut look like?
Pointspace Issue 58 The simple power of a smile PLUS How to stop blisters and what’s the most effective way to dry your hands?
Pointspace Issue 57 Bring nature indoors PLUS Acupuncture and low back pain and 8 probiotic foods that aren’t yogurt.
Pointspace Issue 56 Getting ready for spring PLUS Human energy body clock and the many, many ways to wear a scarf.
Pointspace Issue 55 Happy Chinese New Year PLUS Try something different for Pancake Tuesday and all you need to know about the Zika virus.
Pointspace Issue 54 Start afresh in Janaury PLUS Winter and Chinese medicine and 11 refreshing smoothie recipes for your post-holiday restart.
Pointspace Issue 53 How do you weigh a soul? PLUS Food is the future of medicine.
Pointspace Issue 52 Bones and hearing in Chinese medicine PLUS How do you pursue happiness and how to make a week’s worth of interesting soups.
Pointspace Issue 51 It’s all about food PLUS Autumn and Chinese medicine and what comes after the Heimlich Manoeuvre?
Pointspace Issue 50 September checklist PLUS How a quick glimpse of nature can make you more productive and what is turmeric good for?
Pointspace Issue 49 Healthy ways to make the most of this August bank holiday PLUS Hit the reset button in your brain and easy exercises to stay loose on long flights.
Pointspace Issue 48 Tips for the summer PLUS Easy ways to upgrade your avocado toast and heal bruises faster with witch hazel.
Pointspace Issue 47 Eating well for the summer PLUS What factors affect your digestion.
Pointspace Issue 46 Look good to feel good PLUS Delicious pasta alternatives with a fraction of the calories.
Pointspace Issue 45 Spring is finally here PLUS Use this deep breathing technique to calm yourself.
Pointspace Issue 44 Tips to get better sleep PLUS Try these ways to relax.
Pointspace Issue 43 Organic vs Conventional Produce PLUS Sitting too much is bad for you and four ways to wake up feeling better in winter.
Pointspace Issue 42 Happy New Year PLUS Should you have new year resolutions, a simple cold and flu remedy and keep warm with these recipes.
Pointspace Issue 41 Spend some time reflecting this December PLUS Homemade chai tea latte and fix your neck posture with these simple stretches.
Pointspace Issue 40 Get set for the cold season PLUS How to get work-life balance, warming soup recipe and should you take cough syrup?
Pointspace Issue 39 The big picture of healthy eating PLUS Should you be drinking almond milk and the upside of pessimism.
Pointspace Issue 38 Wellness tips for September PLUS An introduction to Chinese medicine and 5 yoga poses to practice first thing in the morning.
Pointspace Issue 37 Happiness happens PLUS Laughter may be the best medicine for age-related memory loss, 50 foods you should be eating and dietary (b)advice.
Pointspace Issue 36 Hurray for blue skies PLUS Cranberry jeltzer and what are acupuncture points?
Pointspace Issue 35 A Chinese medicine’s look at men’s health PLUS 6 lessons we can learn from Chinese medicine and where do we feel our emotions?
Pointspace Issue 34 How do you feel today? PLUS have some dandelion and 3 yoga poses for tired, achy feet.
Pointspace Issue 33 Welcoming Spring PLUS Acupressure for hayfever, and why you shouldn’t have green smoothies.
Pointspace Issue 32 Are you getting enough sleep PLUS Beet and chia pancakes and Acupuncture Awareness Week 2014.
Pointspace Issue 31 How stress affects your food PLUS boost your immune system with turmeric, cayenne and bee pollen.
Pointspace Issue 30 A brand new you PLUS warming soups and having acupuncture with cancer treatment.
Pointspace Issue 29 Mini-relaxations to ease holiday stress PLUS black bean hummus and tips for winter.
Pointspace Issue 28 Six stretches to do at your desk PLUS Easy weeknight dinners for November and heartwarming memories.
Pointspace Issue 27 Prepare for the new season – tips for a healthy autumn PLUS 4 autumn foods you should have and what your looks say about your health.
Pointspace Issue 26 Lack of sleep can lead to unhealthy food choices PLUS Pumpkin seeds and chia seeds for better sleep and September is the time to do a body MOT.
Pointspace Issue 25 Need a news fast? PLUS Stress can wear the body and speed up the clock on ageing, cranberry pistachio energy bites and exercises for your neck.
Pointspace Issue 24 Tips for a healthy summer PLUS Acupuncture is worth a try for chronic pain and 7 ways to spare your feet from the “summer spread”.
Pointspace Issue 23 Music to relax you PLUS How to get good balance and delicious vegetable-based sandwiches.
Pointspace Issue 22 8 simple ways to have meaningful happiness PLUS Building strong bones and simple tip to keep salad fresher for longer.
Pointspace Issue 21 Spring and traditional Chinese medicine | Tips for the new season PLUS sprout your own seeds and a recipe for a colourful Mediterranean dinner.
Pointspace Issue 20 Insomnia and traditional Chinese medicine | Tips to help you sleep better PLUS Acupuncture Awareness Week 2013, The BAcC gets accreditated by the Professional Standards Authority and can you tell how much 200 calories look like?
Pointspace Issue 19 How to nap: 6 things to remember for a quick day boost PLUS ways 7 top herbalists and doctors fight the flu.
Pointspace Issue 18 Get ready for winter: Stay healthy and happy this winter with tips from traditional Chinese medicine PLUS How to bring mindfulness into your home.
Pointspace Issue 17 Why the Grinch stole Christmas: Three things to remember this holiday season PLUS How to battle the bulge this holiday season.
Pointspace Issue 16 5 tips to help you de-stress and why stress makes it harder to kick the common cold.
Pointspace Issue 15 Tips for a healthy and happy autumn and 14 food combos that can improve your life.
Pointspace Issue 14 September is the time to do a body MOT and easy ways to eat more vegetables every day.
Pointspace Issue 13 Sitting too much doesn’t just hurt your waistline and 5 tips for a healthier, younger complexion.
Pointspace Issue 12 Get ready for summer | Tips for a happy and healthy summer and how to reduce joint pain and stiffness in 2 minutes flat.
Pointspace Issue 11 Mindful eating and Chinese medicine | What is mindful eating, and how does acupuncture work?
Pointspace Issue 10 See inside for your Pointspace voucher codes | The importance of night and day on your health, and what makes a superfruit.
Pointspace Issue 9 Get ready for spring and 7 double duty beauty foods.
Pointspace Issue 8 Celebrate Acupuncture Awareness Week and the workaholic’s guide to staying healthy.
Pointspace Issue 7 6 things you should do today | Taking care of your TCM heart and lessons from everyday life.
Pointspace Issue 6 Happy New Year, Happy New You | Tips to help de-clutter your mind, and TCM kidney health in winter.
Pointspace Issue 5 Staying warm in December | 3 ways to help you survive the cold, and ways to help you deal with stress.
Pointspace Issue 4 Pointspace turns one and tips for November.
Pointspace Issue 3 Tips for October and getting ready for the cold, the TCM way.
Pointspace Issue 2 Ways to help you bridge the change from summer to autumn.
Pointspace Issue 1 Chinese medicine tips for August and what story do the lines on your face tell?