If you can’t make it to a face-to-face appointment for your Chinese herbal treatment, I will still need to see your tongue. Here are some tips on how to take a good picture of it for diagnostic purposes.
Try to find a space with good natural light. Face the light source and shadows shouldn’t be a problem.
The best way to take a tongue selfie is actually not to take a photo of just your tongue. Instead, take a selfie of your head, with your arms slightly outstretched and hands about the height of your shoulders. Like this:

Imagine you’re using those passport photos machine, and your head is in that oval space. Then stick your tongue out. Make sure to open your mouth wide, but not strained. I need to see the whole tongue, not just the tip.

Once you’ve taken the selfie, crop it so there’s just the tongue showing. That’s the image you need to send to me via email or WhatsApp.