Health acupuncture


“You are MAGIC! I haven’t been waking up at 2am since the treatment. I felt touched by god when I left on Friday – so relaxed and blissed out.”
- Marissa, London
"I cannot recommend Ka Hang enough, my acupuncture sessions with her helped me massively when experiencing high anxiety on the back of the pandemic and a postponed wedding.
Professional, reliable, caring and fantastic at what she does."
- Lauren, London
"Ka Hang was very professional and skilful in what she does. She was always on time, calm and compassionate. I saw Ka Hang five days in a row towards the end of my pregnancy. The acupuncture sessions had helped me enormously. I have seen many acupuncturists before and would definitely recommend Ka Hang to those who want to try acupuncture."
- M, London

Did your health or wellbeing issue start out as a slight niggle that you promised you’d have a look at, but never got around to?

Or do you remember exactly when you noticed a change or discomfort in your body?

A wonderfully soothing and restorative traditional acupuncture treatment by Ka Hang Leoungk could be that extra bit of oomph your body needs. Choose from Remedial Acupuncture, Seasonal Tune-Up and Stress Buster.

Sometimes, due to lifestyle and environmental reasons, this flow of qi can be disrupted or blocked which can result in some symptoms of pain or illness. In certain instances, traditional acupuncture can be an effective therapy to help restore balance and promote physical and emotional harmony.

Imagine a traffic jam during rush hour. Cars are blocking the road and no one can get anywhere. You start to feel tense around the neck and shoulders, you’re getting tired and annoyed, and oh no, now you need the bathroom as well.

Blocked, or a weak flow of qi in your body is just as bad. Illness or pain can result when this flow of qi is disrupted. Acupuncture works on rebalancing the body’s qi naturally without medication.

Now, if the traffic jam was suddenly removed: it would be a great feeling, right?

Along the channels are acupuncture points which are like junctions on a motorway, allowing access to the meridians. The acupuncture points are gateways to influence, redirect, and increase or decrease the body’s flow of qi, blood and vital substances to address many of the body’s imbalances.

What can acupuncture do for me?

Besides pain management, and helping with stress or anxiety, traditional acupuncture can help if you:

  • Have a specific symptom or condition
  • Feel generally unwell but have no obvious diagnosis
  • Want to maintain good health, as a preventative measure
  • Want to improve your general sense of wellbeing.

Many people return to acupuncture again and again because they find it so beneficial and relaxing.

Ka Hang offers three body acupuncture treatments:

  • Remedial Acupuncture
  • Seasonal Tune-up
  • Stress Buster.

Get in touch to see if acupuncture would be effective for your condition.

Are there different styles of acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a system of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that dates back over 2,000 years. During that time, different opinions to theory and technique led to different styles (off shoots or branches) developing from the traditional, TCM style of diagnosis and treatment. These include Japanese style, Five Elements, Korean hand technique, French auricular (ear acupuncture) styles of acupuncture.

The TCM style is the ‘grandfather’ of them all: the source from which the other styles branched out from. Ka Hang Leoungk practices in the TCM style as well as incorporating the Balance method.

Start feeling good again, today.